A Message From Louis Esposito, Executive Director

Dear Friends,

I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to ABLE NH’s members, friends, partners, board members, and especially the staff for the series of warm welcomes I have received during my first month. It is truly an honor to be entrusted with this important role within our state and growing community. I am humbled by your words of advice, encouragement, and expertise. These opportunities have provided me with the opportunity to establish a foundation to understand ABLE NH’s core values and mission. While our conversations have been positive, what has truly been remarkable is that they are not one-time exchanges. These conversations are the start of a longer dialogue and the foundation of relationships meant to further all of our shared goals of creating a more inclusive New Hampshire.

It’s no coincidence that my first day at ABLE NH coincided with the first day of National Disability Pride Month. This has given me an added opportunity to reflect on the history of ABLE NH and the movements and leaders that have paved the way for its creation and solid foundation. Without the dedication and passion of those who led these movements, we would not be where we are today. As we reflect on what came before, it is also appropriate to think about the challenges and goals ahead of us. To build a more inclusive society, we need strong leaders and advocates throughout our local communities, our state and our country to continue the progress in making our society more inclusive.

My background as a special educator, program director, and paraprofessional has taught me that learning and growth are lifelong journeys. My experiences are unique to me, and I recognize that no two people can walk through life with the same perspective. I am looking forward to a continuous flow of opportunities that allow me to learn through you. Whether you are a person with disabilities, a parent, a sibling, an educator, a professional, an employer, or any person with a vested interest, I am excited to learn of your journey and share my experiences in return.

I am determined to see the growth of individual advocacy, for voices that have previously been silenced to be amplified, and to bring long-ignored issues to the forefront. This is necessary to make inclusion everywhere, for everyone, every day. I look forward to supporting emerging leaders as they find their voice. Even though there has been a change in leadership at ABLE NH, our vision remains the same: “To live in a world where the social, emotional, economic, and human rights of people with disabilities are fully realized.”

I am seeking your support in several areas. First, please ensure we have your correct details by updating your membership information. If you are not yet a member, I encourage you to join us and make your voice heard. Additionally, I invite you to support and attend our task forces, where your input will help us collaboratively address key issues facing our community. Finally, I would love to meet you at one or all of our upcoming events: Fisher Cats game on August 25th, the Advocate NH Conference: Art of Advocacy on October 4th, and the Disability Justice Parade in Concord on October 5th.

I am excited to work together on the issues that impact our community and I look forward to continuing the journey of making New Hampshire a more inclusive state. Most of all, I am eager to meet and get to know all of you!


Louis Esposito
Executive Director