A New Year Message to Our Community

Dear Friends,

We’ve heard from you about your concerns for the disability community in 2025, and we are listening.

People with disabilities already face barriers to living full lives in their communities — barriers rooted in societal structures, policies, and attitudes. We work daily to challenge these barriers and advocate for a world where disability is recognized as a natural part of human diversity. We know that cuts to services and threats to the protections we’ve collectively fought for would only create more inequalities.

New Hampshire’s disability community has a long and proud history of partnering with diverse groups and lawmakers across all political parties to advance disability rights. ABLE NH will continue to build bridges with all decision-makers, foster open dialogue, share your powerful stories, and educate people about disability as a part of life we all share. Disability is not a personal tragedy. It intersects with every aspect of society, affecting people of all ages, backgrounds, and beliefs. When people with disabilities thrive, New Hampshire thrives.

ABLE NH is free to speak up boldly about the right to full inclusion in our schools and communities. We are ready to partner with others who advocate for equity and justice, and we invite you to join us. We are committed to sharing accurate information and updates about issues that impact people with disabilities and their families as we look to make systematic changes through our policy work. Our strength relies on collective action and the power of lived experience.

As we start a new year, we want you to know we are here for you. Together, we will rise to meet any challenges that lie ahead. You are not alone.

In solidarity,


We invite you to join us in our advocacy by becoming an ABLE NH member today. We offer both paid and in-kind membership options, so there are many ways to contribute to our work. Become a member: www.ablenh.org/membership