Each year during ABLE NH’s Annual Members’ Meeting, our members decide the direction of ABLE’s future. The creation of each task force focuses on a core issue in New Hampshire that directly affects the disability community and our members. Our goal is to work with ABLE members, other organizations, and interested community members to work together to address an issue to make
Mental Health
Currently Meeting: First Thursday of each month, 6-7 PM via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85961824923?pwd=WkZkVXVIbVJOVjhEa0tNWUZBMG9wUT09
Purpose/ Mission
The Mental Health Task Force works to improve how mental health care services and the Bureau of Developmental Services (BDS) systems work together in New Hampshire. The goal is also to raise awareness about the challenges faced by people who have both an intellectual or developmental disability and a mental health condition.
Currently Meeting: Second Friday of each month, 10-11 AM via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81643665746?pwd=OUtaUkdlc0tQcEhNUTR0aDFySHhiUT09
Purpose/ Mission
The ABLE NH Transportation Equity Task Force strives to engage a variety of stakeholders in productive conversations about improving transportation options for people with disabilities, and ensuring that new and existing transportation systems are using best practices for accessibility.
Currently Meeting: Second Monday of each month, 7-8 PM via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89722324705
Purpose/ Mission
The Housing Task Force is a dedicated group of advocates committed to addressing the housing needs of people with disabilities in an affordable and accessible manner. This task force has been established to identify and implement strategies that promote inclusive housing options, remove barriers, and enhance the overall living conditions for individuals with disabilities.
Oral Healthcare
Currently Meeting: First Wednesday of each month, 7:30-8:30 PM via Zoom:
This task force sustains ABLE NH’s contributions to building an oral healthcare program serving adult Medicaid recipients with disabilities.
Civic Engagement
Currently Meeting: Fourth Thursday of the month, 7:30-8:30 PM via Zoom:
The Civic Engagement Task Force focuses on people with disabilities and their families to actively shape state policies and programs. Meeting on the fourth Thursday of the month, the task force creates space for members to discuss issues of access, equity, and systemic barriers, viewing each participant’s lived experience as crucial to effective policy change. Members engage in activities like tracking bills, analyzing policy impacts, and writing to legislators to advocate for inclusive measures. Through these actions, the task force strengthens civic engagement, ensuring that community voices are represented and that policies uphold the rights, dignity, and autonomy of people with disabilities.