Currently Meeting: Fourth Wednesday of each month, 3-4 PM via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81643665746?pwd=OUtaUkdlc0tQcEhNUTR0aDFySHhiUT09
Purpose/ Mission
The ABLE NH Transportation Equity Task Force strives to engage a variety of stakeholders in productive conversations about improving transportation options for people with disabilities, and ensuring that new and existing transportation systems are using best practices for accessibility.
Google Drive Folder https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NIMB_TPHY7U30WVF8y7PgWLDAI-U_u1D?usp=sharing

- Ensure accessibility in transportation systems’ communications and in the provision of transportation
- Identify and share applications that assist with navigation
- Create a one-pager on Providing Welcoming Transportation for people with disabilities
- Track concerns about accessibility whilst utilizing transportation systems (public transit, lyft/ uber, etc.)
- Encourage transportation providers to utilize simplifying technologies like predictive ETA, on-demand scheduling apps, online ride scheduling, interactive digital public transit mapping, etc.
- Encourage the application of assistive technologies in transportation
- Audit the Keep NH Moving website for accessibility
- Encourage consistent use of Plain Language in all communications
- Connect more PwD with transportation services
- Ensure people with disabilities and families of people with disabilities understand how to get connected with their mobility managers
- Ensure that the KeepNHMoving website acts as a centralized resource for people with disabilities to understand transportation services available to them, inclusive off Medicaid transportation
- Help volunteer driver programs connect with local people with disabilities
- Promote the forthcoming Medicaid Transport Fact Sheet
- Help people understand how to access services
- Help strengthen volunteer transportation by promoting their concerns about driver shortages
- Ensure that people with disabilities are represented in transportation-related conversations across the state
- Ask each Mobility Manager to identify a representative from their region who is committed to attending Task Force meetings regularly
- Help each RCC identify at least one person who will become a member of their RCC and represent the interests of people with disabilities
- Participate in the statewide Community Transportation Needs Assessment
- Monitor and Influence trends that could impact transportation for people with disabilities
- Track transportation-related legislation that could impact people with disabilities
- Encourage advocacy by people with disabilities by facilitating their efforts to give public input and testimony in settings where policy is being established and funding is being assigned
- Track and share best practices from all regions and other states
- Ensure that ABLE is involved when microtransit is being discussed
- Encourage ongoing conversation about Providing Welcoming Transportation for people with disabilities
- Connect work groups with similar transportation equity goals across the state to ensure synergy
- Create a repeatable presentation on Providing Welcoming Transportation for people with disabilities that can be taken ‘on the road’
- Attend Annual Meetings and Summits of transportation-related organizations and request to present thoughts on Providing Welcoming Transportation for people with disabilities