Mission, Vision, and Guiding Principles


Advocates Building Lasting Equality in NH advocates for the civil and human rights of children and adults with disabilities. We promote full participation by: improving systems, connecting families, inspiring communities, and influencing public policy.


To live in a world where the social, emotional, economic, and human rights of people with disabilities are fully realized.

Guiding Principles:

  1. We believe the history and lessons of Laconia State School must never be forgotten. Systems at the state and federal level that support citizens’ ability to remain in their homes, their communities, and prevent institutionalization must be protected. 
  2. We believe it is necessary to build strong coalitions and a broad and powerful base to ensure that citizens of all abilities have adequate supports and services.  No one group in need of support can ever truly benefit at the expense of another. United We Must Stand!
  3. We believe waiting lists should not exist.  People who need assistance must have prompt access to the high-quality services and supports they need to maintain their health and safety and live in their communities with freedom and dignity.
  4. We believe that Medicaid and human service reform efforts must prioritize New Hampshire’s commitment to Community-Based Care. 
  5. We believe the world must be educated on issues of importance to people with disabilities.  That includes neighbors, family, friends and public officials year-round, as well as during election cycles and in budget seasons.
  6. We believe there must be a continuous flow of new leaders who are trained and empowered to share their voices, organize, and step into leadership roles in a variety of capacities.
  7. We believe systems change should always incorporate the voices and input of people with disabilities. “Nothing about us without us”
  8. We believe we should seek to amplify the voices of people with disabilities in our partnerships.

rev. 6.21.2023