Our Statement on the Signing of HB 1569

Leah Stagnone

September 12, 2024


Voter Suppression Bill Will Disenfranchise People with Disabilities and Other Marginalized Granite Staters

Governor Sununu has signed HB 1569 into law. This is a bill that will have a profound and negative impact on people with disabilities in New Hampshire. The voter suppression law will disenfranchise many in our community who do not always have access to the documents now required to cast their vote. We are deeply disappointed by this decision and will continue to fight for the rights of people with disabilities.

Casting a vote is a fundamental right that should be protected, not restricted. The government should not be in the business of taking away our right to vote.

People with disabilities deserve equal access to participation in every election. We remain united in our commitment to challenging these barriers and ensuring that all voices are heard.


Advocates Building Lasting Equality in NH (ABLE NH) advocates for the civil and human rights of children and adults with disabilities, promoting full participation by: improving systems, connecting families, inspiring communities, and influencing public policy. Learn more at www.ablenh.org