Do you want to influence policy change for Granite Staters with disabilities in 2025?
ABLE NH is launching a Policy Rapid Response Team to take action on important issues impacting the disability community in 2025. This will allow us to better mobilize our community to uphold rights, protect funding, and move policies forward that will create equity for people with disabilities.
Task force members will be supported to engage in actions like:
- Providing verbal or written legislative testimony
- Sharing their stories to influence change
- Calling and/or emailing legislators
- Submitting Letters to the Editor about issues important to them
- Spreading the word about important bills to their networks
Rapid Response Team Involvement
We are looking for advocates who are interested in engaging with the legislative process and willing to take some time-sensitive actions (big or small!) on important disability policy issues! No prior experience is necessary. Support and training opportunities will be provided, and there will be opportunities to participate in many different capacities, depending on your comfort level and the amount of time you can give. You are not required to take action on every advocacy opportunity or legislative alert shared with this team.
Most task force involvement will take place via email. Members will become part of an email group that shares calls to action, resources, and detailed information about advocacy actions for specific issues. There will be opportunities for members to participate in virtual advocacy trainings.